Friday, August 27, 2010

The Truth About Earth Class Mail's Pricing

On August 24, 2010, Sarah G. Carr posted a blog entry on Earth Class Mail's site filled with half truths, deceit, and downright lies.

That blog entry can be read here.

The majority of the lies appear in the chart that Carr displays stating Earth Class Mail's competitors information and prices. Carr displays the chart with this caveat:

The chart below shows the entry-level plans of some of our competitors – please check their sites directly for the most recent information and other plans they may offer.

This is ironic because clearly Carr and her staff didn't even bother to go to the competitors sites themselves to check the most recent information! Either that, or the lies in the chart are particularly bold and brazen. This blog posting that you're reading is being done a mere three days after Carr's blog posting. Could it really be that riddled with "mistakes" that quickly? Doubtful. More likely, Carr and Earth Class Mail are deliberately trying to mislead and deceive potential customers.

In the past, we've seen how Earth Class Mail cowardly "revised" (ie: deleted) Wikipedia's chart that displayed their competitors information. Just so the same thing doesn't happen with their own blog posting, here is a full copy of their chart exactly as Sarah Carr posted it on August 24, 2010 (click on it for a full view):

Let's start with Earth Class Mail's own pricing. Carr claims it's "The Truth" in the title of her posting. Yet, on the chart, it's $19.99, when in reality on the site if you sign up, it's $19.95. Initial commitment shows $44.95. It doesn't even match. Wrong pricing and calculation. The CEO can't even do the math properly! Given that, how can Sarah Carr even run a business well? Lehigh should be ashamed of her.

Also, if you really do take the time to check the other services prices, you'll see that the commitment is wrong on many of them. As one example, Virtual Postal Mail doesn't have a $29.97 commitment....but Sarah Carr's chart says that they do! Initial commitment would only be $5 for the first month. I wonder how the people at Virtual Postal Mail feel about being misrepresented by Sarah Carr and Earth Class Mail? Sarah Carr is wrongfully representing other services information to make Earth Class Mail's prices look good! Despicable.

As for Bongo, it's $45 (3 months x $15), not $50. Again, completely inaccurate and totally misleading on the part of Sarah G. Carr.

My US Postbox has an 800 live toll free support, which Carr failed to mention.

USA2Me has a local will-call service which Carr conveniently chose not to mention in the comparison.

Carr touts "live toll free support," for Earth Class Mail. Most (though not all)of the other companies listed do offer live phone support, just not with a toll free number. The way Carr presents it, she makes it sound like the other companies don't offer any live support at all. It's extremely misleading and shady. The entire chart is inaccurate and misleading. It's basically false advertising.

The bottom line? Earth Class Mail STILL cannot be trusted, STILL have betrayed loyal customers, and STILL are a company to stay away from. This false advertising at the expense of their competitors is shameful.

People seeking a service, should still run to any of the Earth Class Mail alternatives, and research them individually, rather than relying on Earth Class Mail, Sarah Carr, and her deceitful chart.

A list of Earth Class Mail alternatives can be found here.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Laughable Quote from the Heinous Sarah Carr

"When I am figuring out how to make a business successful, I start with the customers that are most loyal to us." - Sarah G. Carr

Carr is either a liar, a bad business woman, or both! The above, laughable quotation is taken from an article in Xconomy Seattle published this week. Carr's despicable treatment of loyal customers of Earth Class Mail shows that she is either baldy delusional given the above quote, or she's an outright liar, but most likely a combination of the two.

Sarah, if you'd like a hint about how to make your business successful, here's a little advice: don't blindside your loyal customers with a massive price hike of over 100%. Your actions, and your delusional interview, remain reprehensible. Lehigh should be ashamed.

Another question: how did such a quote get by Jen Gehrt, the PR Queen who concocts the Earth Class Mail Kool Aid?

Also Sarah has gone and bleached her hair! At least she's no longer smiling.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mike Simmons’s Posterous - Earthclass mail's epic fail. Please stop the madness!

A big salute to a fellow unhappy Earth Class Mail Customer who was betrayed by the company!

Mike Simmons has written an open letter to Earth Class Mail CEO Sarah Carr, and it can be seen on his site by clicking here.

Thank you Mike! Also, based on Mike's twitter feed, it seems that he was treated with indifference by Earth Class Mail customer support. Earth Class Mail's vile mistreatment of customers continues.

Thanks for keeping us posted Mike!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Check Deposit Warning

Peeps, just a quick word of warning. As many of you know by know, Earth Class Mail betrayed their loyal customers with a massive price -- in many cases, a hike of over 100% of what their loyal customers were paying when they signed up for the service.

These days, Earth Class Mail is trying to pimp a check depositing service, for which surrendering your bank account information will be necessary.

Needless to say, if Earth Class Mail could not be trusted to fairly treat their loyal customers -- who helped the company get started -- then they certainly should not be trusted with any matters of money, banks, or checks.

Property owners in particular, should beware of this new scam on the part of Earth Class Mail.