Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Feeling Nostalgic for Days Gone By

As the Earth Class Mail Price Hike Scandal continues, I look back in retrospect and long for better days.

"StartUp Junkies" painted the picture of an excellent new company. One with a team of people who had come up with a wonderful innovation for processing postal mail, and they brought it to the masses.

If you are an Earth Class Mail customer, or even if you aren't, I urge you to check out "StartUp Junkies." Unfortunately, it will only play if you are in the United States, but if you can see it, it paints a wonderful picture of a fine organization.

Sadly, those days are long gone. Ron Wiener who comes off so well in the series, has been replaced by Sarah Carr. The changes that Carr has made to the company in regards to the massive price increase on loyal customers are abhorrent.

Still, thankfully "StartUp Junkies" is still around for a fond memory of what the spirit of Earth Class Mail was all about once upon a time...

1 comment:

  1. startup junkies is ecm before sarah carr!!! much better1!!!
